7th International Web Audio conference, 6-8 July 2022, Cannes, FranceCampus Georges MélièsPalais Miramar, CannesCannes
Palais Miramar, 65 boulevard de la croisette,  Cannes la Bocca
Florian Pépellin, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons,


WAC 2022 Program Stable version, all times are Europe/Paris (GMT +2:00)
Location 1: Campus "Georges Méliès" (July 6th and 8th), "La Bastide Rouge", 214 Avenue Francis Tonner - CS 40022- 06156 Cannes la Bocca Location 2: Palais Miramar (July 7th), Address: 65 boulevard de la croisette - 06400 Cannes la Bocca
Food: each day, breakfast, coffee break and lunch will be provided on site, Thursday evening the banquet on the beach is also included with your registration. Friday evening during the concerts a cocktail is offered (drinks, food).
Wednesday, July 6 - Location 1: Campus Bastide Rouge
Time What Who Where
08:30 AM - 09:15 AM Conference Registration Main Hall
09:15 AM - 09:45 AM Conference Opening Speech Amphi 38
Keynote 1
09:45 AM - 10:30 AM “Life after”: Looking ahead to a new decade (remote)
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Hongchan Choi Amphi 38
Coffee Break
Paper and Talk Session 1: Web Audio creativity & Instruments (Session Chair: Laurent Pottier)
10:45 AM - 11:05 AM A Rust Implementation of the Web Audio API

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Otto Rottier and Benjamin Matuszewski Amphi 38
11:05 AM - 11:25 AM Modernized toolchains to create JSPatcher objects and WebAudioModules from Faust code (remote)

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Shihong Ren, Stéphane Letz, Dominique Fober, Orlarey Yann, Romain Michon, Michel Buffa, Laurent Pottier and Yang Yu Amphi 38
11:25 AM - 11:45 AM Comparing approaches for new AudioWorklets

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Gerard Roma Amphi 38
11:45 AM - 12:05 AM Dynamic Single Sample Audio Graphs with WebAssembly (remote)

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Charlie Roberts Amphi 38
12:05 AM - 12:25 AM Exploring Microtonal Harmony with Web Audio and Web Midi

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David Paulick Amphi 38
Lunch Break
Keynote 2
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Building fun immersive experiences with Web Audio & Web XR
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David Rousset Amphi 38
Paper and Talk Session 2: VR/XR/Games/Misc (Session Chair: Michel Buffa)
3:00 PM - 3:20 PM The sounds of Wilderplace, a web based puzzle-adventure game (remote)

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Check the game here!
Micah Fitch Amphi 38
3:20 PM - 4:00 PM Porting the Wwise audio engine to the Web Platform

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Philippe Milot Amphi 38
Coffee Break
4:15 PM - 6:15 PM Making a guitar rack plugin - WebAudio Modules 2.0
Quentin Beauchet, Kouyoumdjian Pierre, Michael Marynowicz, Yann Forner and Michel Buffa First floor
Host and plugins : parameter automation without crossing the Audio Thread barrier
Dylann Batisse, Antoine Cousson, Antoine Vidal Mazuy, Michel Buffa and Jean-Philippe Carlens First floor
A nutshell guide to annotating recorded piano performances on the Web with CosmoNote (remote)
Lawrence Fyfe, Daniel Bedoya and Elaine Chew First floor
Wwise Demo
Philippe Milot First floor
Strudel: Algorithmic Patterns for the Web
Felix Roos and Alex McLean First floor

Creation of tools and materials for music composition from data and metadataDOI
Romina Soledad Romay First floor
Building a multi-surround system on the spot with our phones
Jeroen van Tubergen First floor
Dispositif Pré : Connected polyphonic immersion
Giuglaris Camille, Jean-François Trubert, Petit Bertrand and Hervé Jean-Luc First floor
TimeSide API as an audio processing web service
Guillaume Pellerin, Martin Desrumaux, Paul Brossier and Antoine Grandry First floor
From blues to rock to jazz : three different web audio tube guitar amplifier simulator plugins
Jordan Sintes, Jerome Lebrun and Michel Buffa First floor
Interactive Ear Training
Fabrice Dos-Santos and Louis De Gaudenzi First floor
Audio Analysis Applications in the Browser with Essentia.js
Jorge Marcos-Fernández, Luis Joglar-Ongay, Xavier Serra and Dmitry Bogdanov First floor
Coffee Break
6:50 PM - 7:10 PM Politics I (remote)

More about this work
Eric Lemmon Amphi 38
7:10 PM - 7:30 PM Collabscape (remote)
Austin Franklin Amphi 38
7:30 PM - 7:50 PM Chith: Untitled Improvisation (remote) Charlie Roberts and Gillian Smith Amphi 38
All three days Urban Sound Tales: The Invisible Landscapes – the Sonic Past of the Two Cities
Shihong Ren and Tak-Cheung Hui Main hall
Resonance Choir: The Renaissance madrigal meets spatial audio
Jemily Rime and Tom Collins Main Hall
Your Terms of Service: Interactive Audio Installation
Brian Barth (baern) and Jeroen van Tubergen Main hall
Concerto for public transport orchestra in four movements
Max Alyokhin Main hall
interFACE > Instant Musical Superpowers!
Zenon Olenski Main hall
Thursday, July 7 - Location 2: Palais Miramar
Time What Who Where
Keynote 3
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM AI Everywhere: some observations and thoughts
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Mark Sandler Palais Miramar
Coffee Break
Paper and Talk Session 3: Distributed Music and IOT (Session Chair: Norbert Schnell)
10:15 AM - 10h35 AM Koryphaîos - A Patchworked Compositional Environment for Distributed Music Systems

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Aliénor Golvet, Luciano Leite Barbosa, Étienne Démoulin and Benjamin Matuszewski Palais Miramar
10:35 AM - 10h55 AM « Pré » : connected polyphonic immersion

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Jean-François Trubert, Giuglaris Camille, Petit Bertrand and Hervé Jean-Luc Palais Miramar
10:55 AM - 11h15 AM Achieve audio output synchronization with signal analysis
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Jeroen van Tubergen Palais Miramar
11:15 AM - 11h35 AM Web Audio interface to access High Frequency radio for Hermes telecommunication system

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Ariane Stolfi, Rafael Diniz, Carlos Paulino, Matheus Paulino and Peter Bloom Palais Miramar
11:35 AM - 11:55 AM Living Music: The Future of Composing & Listening

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Brian Barth - artist name: baern Palais Miramar
Lunch Break
Keynote 4
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM We need to go faster!

Slides of the presentation
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Paul Adenot Palais Miramar
Paper and Talk Session 4: Collaborative music (Session Chair: Anna Xambó)
3:00 PM - 3:20 PM Alternator: A General-Purpose Generative Music Player - BEST PAPER AWARD WAC 2022!

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Ian Clester and Jason Freeman Palais Miramar
3:20 PM - 3:40 PM Estuary 0.3: Collaborative audio-visual live coding with a multi-lingual browser-based platform (remote)

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David Ogborn, Jamie Beverley, Alejandro Franco Briones, Bernard Gray, Alex MacLean, Luis N. del Angel, Kofi Oduro, Spencer Park, Antonio Roberts, Jessica Rodríguez, Kate Sicchio, D. Andrew Stewart, Eldad Tsabary and Carl Testa Palais Miramar
3:40 PM - 4:00 PM Telejam: From low latency to no latency

Slides of the presentation
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Mark Goldstein, Michael McNabb and Boris Smus Palais Miramar
Coffee Break
4:15 PM - 4:35 PM Rethink Music Collaboration in Web Audio with Redesigned Glicol Engine

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Qichao Lan and Alexander Refsum Jensenius Palais Miramar
4:35 PM - 4:55 PM Incremental and multimodal visualization of discographies: exploring the WASABI music knowledge base

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Aline Menin, Michel Buffa, Maroua Tikat, Benjamin Molinet, Guillaume Pellerin, Laurent Pottier, Franck Michel and Marco Winckler Palais Miramar
5:15 PM - 5:35 PM Shreds (performance extract)

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Gerard Roma and Anna Xambó Palais Miramar
5:35 PM - 5:55 PM Microtonal Music Improvisation using a Web MIDI Tonality Diamond

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David Paulick Palais Miramar
5:55 PM - 6:15 PM Collaborative Live Coding Performance with Glicol Music Programming Language

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Qichao Lan and Alexander Refsum Jensenius Palais Miramar
6:15 PM - 6:35 PM Strudel: Algorithmic Patterns for the Web

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Felix Roos Palais Miramar
6:35 PM - 6:55 PM Networking the Flight of the Monarchs (remote)

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Robert Mackay, David Blink, Jessica Rodriguez and Rolando Rodriguez Amphi 38
8:00 PM - late Banquet will take place at La Plage Ondine (other side of the road when you go out of Palais Miramar)
Friday, July 8 - Location 1: Campus Bastide Rouge
Time What Who Where
Paper and Talk Session 5: software design (Session Chair: Paul Adenot)
10:35 AM - 10h55 AM An SDOM Approach to Reactive Audio

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Mike Solomon Amphi 38
10:55 AM - 11:15 AM WebAssembly Music (remote)

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Peter Salomonsen Amphi 38
11:15 AM - 12:30 AM Web Audio 2.0, what's new ?
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W3C Web Audio Working Group Amphi 38
  Future of WAC?
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WAC Community Amphi 38
Lunch Break
Session 1 : WECML Workshop
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2:00 PM - 2:20 PM MusiCoLab: Towards a Modular Architecture for Collaborative Music Learning

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Chrisoula Alexandraki, Demosthenes Akoumianakis, Michael Kalochristianakis, Panagiotis Zervas, Maximos Kaliakatsos-Papakostas and Emilios Cambouropoulos Amphi 38
2:20 PM - 2:40 PM An Intelligent Data Repository Consolidating Artifacts of Music Learning (remote)

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Michael Kalochristianakis, Panagiotis Zervas and Chrisoula Alexandraki Amphi 38
2:40 PM - 3:00 PM Synchronous Collaborative Music Lessons and their digital materiality (remote)

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Demosthenes Akoumianakis, Chrisoula Alexandraki, Dimitrios Milios and Alexandros Nousias Amphi 38
3:00 PM - 3:20 PM Audio delay in Web Conference tools (remote)

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Konstantinos Tsioutas and George Xylomenos Amphi 38
3:20 PM - 3:40 PM Virtual Ensemble Assembly: Musicality in Separation

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Kaitlin Pet and Christopher Raphael Amphi 38
3:40 PM - 4:00 PM Exploring Jazz Standards with Web Visualisation for Improvisation Training

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Maximos Kaliakatsos-Papakostas, Konstantinos Velenis, Konstantinos Giannos and Emilios Cambouropoulos Amphi 38
Session 2 : Glicol workshop
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Glicol (an acronym for 'graph-oriented live coding language') hybrid workshop / tutorial
Qichao Lan Room 43 on top of the stairs from main hall
Keynote 5
4:15 PM - 4:40 PM Reverbera!
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Ariane Stolfi and local musicians from Cannes. Film music improvisation on Le Voyage Dans La Lune and Le Desahabillage Impossible, two films by Georges Melies. Amphi 38
Best paper awards
4:40 PM - 5:00 PM Best Papers Awards / JAES Special WebAudio issue 2023 Jury : Norbert Schnell, Anna Xambó, Laurent Pottier and Marie-Claire Forgue Amphi 38
  Final Remarks & Thanks WAC Organizers Amphi 38
CONCERTS with coktail
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM Improvisation #1: Ensemble Spiic from Hambourg with improvisation #2: #Elektronizza. Improvisation #3: all together! Projet Dreaming Fields of Action

Ensemble Spiic: Tam Thi Pham - dan bau (Vietnam), Dong Zhou - violin, objects, voice (China), Goran Lazarević - accordion (Serbia), Elena Khurgina - harpsichord (Russia), Yuri Akbalkan - electronics (Russia) , Dominic Harrison - percussion (Germany) , Vlatko Kučan - saxophones, clarinets, leader (Germany)

#Elektronizza: Gael Navard - Handsonic, Romina Romay - Keyboard, Nicolas Allais - Guit, Louis Ferrari - re.corder, Céline Chambret - aerophone, Fredo Piraino - aerophone, Hejà Deniz - artiphon
Amphi 66
#4 (Les sons tournent...): Composition by Jean-Luc Hervé for flûtes and speakers - flûte: Vo Cong Tri (ensemble L'Itinéraire) Amphi 66
End of conference Jam Session + cocktail
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Jam session with local musicians, a VJ and the WAC community. Facilitators: Ariane Stolfi (Federal University of South Bahia, Brazil) Open Space
SOURCE: Sources